Cultivating inner happiness

seminar in English (auf Anfrage teilweise auch in DEUTSCH)

We often believe that our personal life and work circumstances must be "perfect" or completely regulated in order for us to feel fulfilled and experience
true joy from within. However, life circumstances alone do not necessarily lead to lasting happiness and well-being.

If you take the time to cultivate and share your inner happiness, you will generally attract even more happiness and opportunities in your life, both professionally and personally.

This does not mean that all difficulties and challenges disappear.

Instead, you can begin to see solutions more easily and start to develop your skills that will give you a deeper sense of joy and inner peace. You will also learn to see the
"lesson" or "gift" in all situations.

In this seminar we will cover topics such as:
- The meaning of joy and happiness
- Nurturing a natural state of peace and joy no matter what is going on in your life
- Key concepts such as the "happiness set point", gratitude and forgiveness
- Effective ways to raise your physical, mental and emotional energy each day
- Listening more to your intuition and leading joyfully from the heart
- Practical keys to build your "inner house" of happiness
- Taking more responsibility for your own happiness
- Building and maintaining stronger relationships
- Your personal map for inner happiness

Throughout the seminar you will receive practical advice and concrete tools that will be very useful for your unique and holistic path to happiness and well-being.

During or after the seminar you will receive an individual coaching session. These sessions will take place in English, French or German.

freie Plätze270,00 €Kursgeld
21.08.2025 - 23.08.2025
17:30 - 14:00 Uhr
Mary Ann Siara-Decker/EN

M.A. (D) Bonn, Germany

Senior Trainer and Coach

Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York, IIN)

Certified trainer of the programme "Happy for No Reason", based on the bestseller "Happy for No Reason" by Marci Shimoff